Speed Sourcing & How Can You Use it to Recruit for Your Practice

Ever wonder what it is about some hiring managers that makes them so much more successful when using the same techniques as their colleagues? In most cases, what it really boils down to is speed. That is, how quickly you can train yourself to identify, assess and get the ideal candidates for whatever position you are seeking to fill. As a busy veterinary professional, learning how to speed source can be a tremendous asset to your practice management duties. Here’s what you need to know.

First, know exactly what you’re looking for. If you don’t have a specific job description and a clear picture of who your ideal candidate would be, you will likely find yourself wasting precious time in the recruiting process. Understanding what you are looking for in an employee can help you weed through the massive stack of applicants and narrow your selection quickly and strategically.

Next, learn how to evaluate resumes more efficiently. Digging through a pile of potential candidates can seem like a daunting task, but if you know how to effectively scan and assess each resume in a timely manner, you’ll be able to do so more efficiently. Know what you are looking for and then focus on certain keywords rather than reading through every document in its entirety. Cutting out interruptions and distractions can also speed things up.

Let your fingers do the walking. In an increasingly digital world, it can be tempting to rely on communications that involve email and texting, but while these tactics may be more convenient, picking up the phone and calling your candidates is actually quicker because doing so reduces the amount of back and forth. It’s also much more effective than other means of contact.

Remember to recycle. Just because a particular candidate isn’t the best fit for one position doesn’t mean he or she wouldn’t be ideal for another job opening you’ve got coming down the pipeline. When you come across a potential employee that makes a great impression and seems like a perfect fit with your practice culture and existing staff, file their resume aside to revisit when and if the time comes. This can save you a tremendous amount of time and effort.

Finally, work on creating a better candidate experience. The more work you put into the front end process of hiring, the smoother everything will go over time. For instance, by developing better job descriptions and more compelling solicitations, you can improve how candidates respond. A good goal to aim for in terms of candidate response is 25%. If you are scoring lower than this, it’s probably time to make some changes.

Running a successful veterinary practice undoubtedly involves hiring the right staff for the job, but doing so can seem like quite a chore. By implementing some or all of the above tips and strategies, you’ll be able to optimize the time you spend sourcing candidates and locate the ideal employees faster and more efficiently so you can focus your time and efforts on more important things, like ongoing practice growth and profitability.