4 Things You Need to Know about Hiring Millennials

At last check, the Millennial generation was poised to take over the workplace by as early as the year 2020. As such, employers in every industry – including the veterinary field – must begin to take the necessary steps to understand who this generation of workers is, what they bring to the table and what will ultimately help them to perform at their very best. As experienced veterinary recruiters, here are four things we’ve learned about attracting, hiring and retaining Millennial employees.

They value flexibility.

Obviously you can’t have half your team working from home when you’ve got a reception area full of clients waiting to be seen, but there are still ways you can offer flexibility for your clinic staff. In fact, if you’re strategic enough, you may even be able to use this to your advantage. For instance, if you’ve got enough staff members who are willing and able to work different schedules, you might be able to offer more flexible hours to your clientele, thereby improving service levels and increasing competitive advantage.

Culture matters to them.

If there’s one thing that sets the up-and-coming generation apart from their more seasoned counterparts it’s how much their work environment matters to them. This is, perhaps, a result of the increasingly blurred lines between our personal and professional lives. Younger employees want more than just good pay and health insurance. They want to feel like they’re a part of the big picture. They want to make a difference through meaningful work, so demonstrating a strong practice culture is important. (Not sure if your practice culture is good enough? Check these signs.)

They want the opportunity for growth.

Most employees welcome the chance to be promoted, but Millennials place particular emphasis on developing career paths. In fact, in many instances, it’s not even so much about climbing the ladder as it is achieving personal and professional growth, which means even a lateral move can be enough to keep a younger worker happy and engaged. If your veterinary recruiting involves trying to reach Millennials, demonstrating the opportunities for ongoing development is key.

They are inherently social.

If you happen to be of a different generation, you may tend to fall back on traditional methods for finding new employees to staff your practice. Today’s veterinary recruiting, however, has changed dramatically from what’s been successful in the past. In particular, social media is a way of life for younger workers. In fact, according to Glassdoor, 86 percent of young job seekers use social media to connect with and learn more about potential employers. If you’re not yet doing so, leveraging social channels will help you tap into a greater pool of talent.

Like it or not, the numbers don’t lie. Millennials are the future of work, and finding ways to recruit, hire and keep them engaged will become essential to keeping your veterinary practice relevant in tomorrow’s marketplace. Could you use some guidance on how to reach more qualified candidates from this generation? Contact us at 1-800-469-1871 ext. 353 and let us help you find your Dream Team today.