Are You Guilty of These 5 Common Hiring Mistakes?

Let’s face it – we all make mistakes. Of course, some mistakes have far worse repercussions than others – particularly when it comes to hiring for your veterinary practice. The truth is, your clinic is only as upwardly mobile as the individuals you have working for you. Hire a team of rock stars, and you’ll be rewarded with sustainable profitability and growth. Bring on one bad apple, however, and your future could take a turn in the wrong direction. To avoid this, take heed of the following common hiring mistakes.

Not having a clear idea of who you are looking for.

Successful hiring that results in long-term, mutually beneficial employer/employee relationships requires a clear and accurate understanding of exactly who your ideal candidate would be. It’s not enough to have an impressive resume and solid references. You want to dig deeper to find individuals who are not only capable of performing their job duties, but who will also fully buy-in to your practice vision and company culture. Figure out who you are looking for before you start the recruitment process and you’ll have a much better chance of locating that perfect candidate. 

Pigeon-holing your recruitment efforts.

If your veterinary recruiting consists of scrolling through LinkedIn profiles until you’ve located a few decent candidates, then you are selling yourself and your practice short. To find the best of the best, you have to cast a wide net and be willing to think outside the box a little. Don’t limit yourself to only the popular job boards. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Focus on building and nurturing a talent pool. And don’t be afraid to get creative. Trust us – the extra effort will pay off.

Making it all about you.

Many practice managers and practice owners become overconfident about their ability to attract top talent. As a result, they often end up frustrated and empty-handed. Today’s job market belongs to the candidates, not to the employer. This means that the people you are interviewing are sizing you and your practice up as much as, if not more than, you are assessing them. Don’t fall for the mistaken idea that you have the upper hand. Instead, focus on selling your clinic as the best possible place to work. 

Failing to set expectations and follow through.

You may very well have found the perfect person for the job, but if your candidate experience is less than stellar, you could easily lose them before you even have the chance to extend an offer. Prioritize communication and be sure to set appropriate expectations for everyone that you interview – even those you may not be interested in hiring at the moment. And, of course, make sure that you always follow through with whatever those expectations may be. Remember – you never want to burn a bridge. 

Taking too long.

As mentioned above, we are operating in a candidates’ market at the moment. Dragging your feet in the hopes of someone better coming along could end up costing you in the long run. Skilled individuals will not be available for long, so don’t make the process take any longer than is absolutely necessary. And be sure to keep the lines of communication open at all times. Again, focusing on the candidate experience will not only help in filling the role you currently have open, but also in building and growing a talent pool that you can tap into when future opportunities arise.

Assembling a team of top-notch professionals who are not only skilled but also possess the perfect balance of emotional intelligence may not be easy, but it’s essential to the success of your practice. By being aware of some of the common mistakes others in your position have made, you can hopefully avoid heading down the same path in your own recruitment journey.

And, of course, if you find that you don’t have the time, interest or ability to recruit effectively, we are here to help. Get in touch and let us help you build your dream team today!