3 Biggest Culture Crusher and How to Overcome Them

Have you noticed lately that your employees have been in a funk? A dip in morale can do more than just impact an individual employee’s productivity. It can have a ripple effect across the entire team and lead to higher turnover and a drop in client satisfaction, which can ultimately stagnate your practice’s growth. It may not seem like it, but culture is one of the most impactful factors of a successful business. It plays a pivotal role in whether an employee decides to join your team and, more importantly, whether that same employee chooses to stay aboard or jump ship.

If your practice culture isn’t measuring up to its fullest potential, there are a few different things that could be to blame. Let’s take a closer look at three of the most common culture issues below and what you can do to turn each one around.

Problem: Distrust in Leadership

According to Forbes, it’s not poor business practices that cause culture problems. It’s fear, which most often stems from a lack of trust. One survey by Harvard Business Review revealed that 58 percent of employees say they trust strangers more than their own boss. Ouch. When employees feel as though leadership isn’t being honest and forthcoming with them, they can develop resentment and become disengaged.

Solution: Start at the Top

It’s up to leadership within the practice to earn the trust of employees. Be open and honest and make communication a top priority. Ensure that every member of the team remains in the loop. Set clear and appropriate expectations for each employee’s role in achieving both individual as well as big-picture goals. This will earn you trust and buy-in from everyone.

Problem: Lack of Accountability

A workplace in which everyone points the finger at, or passes the buck to, everyone else will never foster positivity and productivity. Instead, it will breed frustration, resentment and unhealthy competition. What’s more, practices that lack accountability also tend to have issues with micromanagement, which stifles creativity and can end up sending dynamic, innovative employees running in the opposite direction.

Solution: Responsibility and Empowerment

Your employees are capable and competent. Don’t smother them. Show them you trust them by giving them the freedom to be creative and play an active role in the practice’s success. And above all, make sure every member of the team knows his or her responsibilities and hold them accountable to achieving what’s expected of them.

Problem: Lack of Recognition

Coaching is important, but if the only interaction leadership ever has with employees involves telling them what they’re doing wrong, don’t expect morale to improve. In fact, you might as well put a revolving door on your practice, since 79 percent of people who quit their jobs cite lack of appreciation as the main reason.

Solution: Check-ins and Celebrations

Routinely recognizing an employee for a job well-done can have an incredibly positive impact on his or her attitude and productivity. In fact, one report found that employees who felt appreciated were 32 percent more enthusiastic about their jobs. Happier employees mean a more positive work environment all around, which spills over into client satisfaction. Make your culture one in which feedback, support and recognition are fundamental.

When it comes to keeping your practice afloat, it takes a lot more than just good service and quality medicine. Sustainable success starts from within. If your practice is suffering from any of the above culture-crushers, the time to take action is now. Your people (and ultimately your bottom line) will thank you!