6 Reasons Your Job Offers are Getting Turned Down

One of the most frustrating things for veterinary recruiters is finding the perfect candidate and extending that great offer only to have it rejected. What gives? You’ve invested in top-notch technology, have worked hard to carefully assemble a hard working team and have spent plenty of time developing a stellar workplace culture. So why aren’t those talented individuals you’re trying to woo not taking the bait? It could be due to any one of the following factors. Here’s what they are and how you can overcome them to land the top talent you’re after.

Better Offers Elsewhere – The most obvious reason your candidates aren’t biting at your offer is because, well, it simply isn’t competitive enough. Take a good, long look at the salary and benefits you’re putting on the table. Keep a close watch on changing trends in the industry and make sure that what you’re offering is equivalent to or better than the competition.

They’re Not Actually Ready – In many cases, a candidate will put their feelers out in an attempt to simply explore what other opportunities are out there. Some may even do so as a tactic to get their current employer to up the ante in order to retain them. In these instances, the individual may not actually intend to change jobs. That’s why it’s always a good idea to ask probing questions during the interview process.

You’re Not Selling Yourself – Sure, you know how awesome your practice is, but are you doing enough to relay that message to the people you’re interviewing? Successful veterinary recruiters find a way to make their practices stand out amongst the competition. What is it that makes your brand, services, workplace and/or people so special and unique? Figure that out and then make sure to incorporate that into your recruiting activities.

Nervous About Relocating – If any of the candidates you are interviewing for your available positions happen to be from out of town, their reluctance to accept your job offer may have more to do with their nerves about relocating than it does about anything you did or said. The best way to overcome this obstacle is to really get them excited about the possibility of working with you and keeping them engaged throughout the process.

Lack of Follow-Up – Veterinary recruiters can and should live by the old adage of “if you snooze, you lose.” If the candidates you’re trying to win over are that talented, chances are they’re courting offers from other employers as well. If it takes too long or they think you’ve dropped the ball because they haven’t heard back from you in a while, don’t expect them to be waiting in the wings once you’re ready to make your move. Ongoing communication is essential.

Unrealistic Expectations – If you’re extending offers but not getting any bites, it could be because you’re narrowing your selection too much. Sure, everyone would love to recruit only those recent grads who were at the top of their class, or candidates that possess decades of experience, but chances are the competition is just as interested as you are. Widening your net may reveal some excellent prospects you might have otherwise missed and who may be a better fit after all.

Are you trying to hire veterinary staff but having little to no luck? Perhaps you could use a little guidance in this area. Dream Team Elite can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.